Camille currently serves as the Deputy National Cyber Director, Technology & Ecosystem Security in the Office of the National Cyber Director at The White House.
Camille Stewart is an attorney whose crosscutting perspective on complex technology, cyber, and national security, and foreign policy issues has landed her in significant roles at leading government and private sector companies like the Department of Homeland Security, Google, and Deloitte. She is currently the Global Head of Product Security Strategy at Google where she advises on security and risk.
In the Obama Administration, Camille served as the Senior Policy Advisor for Cyber Infrastructure & Resilience Policy at the Department of Homeland Security. Camille is a New America Cybersecurity Policy Fellow, Truman National Security Fellow, and Council on Foreign Relations Term Member. Camille is on the Board of Women of Color Advancing Peace & Security and leads the Cybersecurity & Emerging Tech working group. Camille is currently leading a project at the Transformative Cyber Innovation Lab to address the exfiltration of national security-related tech and IP through the courts. You can find out more about Camille and her current projects at